home improvements

my bathroom

Apparently, my bathroom was a point of discussion with my husband and his coworkers today – and so it has been requested that I post 3D pics of my bathroom in its current state.

I would like to remodel my bathroom, and am open for any suggestions! Doors can be moved, and we only use one sink in the vanity, so I don’t see a need to keep the double sinks (unless it helps with resale value). I also don’t use the tub (mostly because it’s a whirlpool tub with completely moldy nastiness in the jets), but having no tub in the bathroom reduces the bathroom to a 3/4 state, and I suppose it’s never a good idea to downgrade the status of your house.

master suite Master suite floorplan – I included the whole thing, so you can see where you might be able to move doors to (i.e., the walk-in closet door to the bedroom/closet wall).

The bathroom measurements are about 8′ x 11′.

Here are some 3D views:

bathroom 1

bathroom 2




don’t even try to out-nerd me …

I love spreadsheets. A LOT. Especially google spreadsheets! With google spreadsheets, I can update my spreadsheets whenever I get the hankering – I don’t have to wait till I get home to my computer.

I have a spreadsheet to keep track of my vacation time. There’s a sheet for my husband, a sheet for me, and then a sheet to track all the vacations we’ve taken over the year. In a glance, I can tell how much money and time we’ve spent on trips – as well as how many mental health sick days we’ve taken.

I have a spreadsheet to track all my loans. I can see the monthly payment, the amount left for each loan, as well as the final payoff date. And I update it as necessary, whenever I start ‘paying extra’ toward any loan. I leave the mortgage off that spreadsheet, as I like to feel like I’m making some progress towards less indebtedness …

I have a spreadsheet to track all of the colleges I think my sister should go to. This spreadsheet is shared with my sister, of course, who can update the list as she sees fit. With her college spreadsheet, she can quickly see what different schools cost, as well as how well they are ranked in the US News rankings.

I have a spreadsheet to track all my nerdly topics. As I write about each topic, I check it off. And as I think of new topics, I add it to the list!

Spreadsheets are awesome. They are the perfect way to dump what I’m thinking into something a little more logical – and a little more permanent.

confession life

directv, please stop calling me!

When I canceled my directv service 6 months ago, I was excited at the prospect of not getting a monthly phone call to inform me of new services. Seriously, what kind of model is it where you call up to harass your own paying customers? I always got the conversation to end by asking, “Is this information available on your website? Great, then I’ll check it out there.”

When I first canceled directv, the monthly phone calls continued, but this time to try to win me back. I even answered a 50-question phone survey, supposedly not sponsored by directv, but every question seemed to revolve around “why did you cancel your directv service?”

Then the phone calls started to slowly increase. Last week I got 3. This week I’m up to 4.

When I was an actual directv customer, I hated it when they called. Now that I am no longer a customer, I downright detest it.

Today, I am sad to say, I actually got the directv lady to hang up on me. I wasn’t trying to be mean, or to hurt her feelings. But seeing as, “I’m-sorry-we’re-not-interested-today-thank-you[hangup]” wasn’t getting through to them, I finally blew up. “Is there any way we can get off your calling list, because it doesn’t matter if you call us every day, we aren’t going to re-subscribe to your service?” And then I got a dial tone. Perhaps I should have used a little less ‘tude.

I hope this is the end of it. But if not: directv – please stop calling me!

home improvements technogeeky

home designer

A few weekends back, I was at microcenter helping my husband find the elusive G7 mouse, when I stumbled across some home design software.

I had been using some free demoware, that you could use for 30 program-runnings. And if you liked the product, you could buy it. I had just decided to buy it when I went to the website and discovered it cost $500. For a 2D floorplan maker! It did have some neat libraries full of furniture and fixtures, but, still, not $500 worth.

So when I saw an $80 3D home designer package at microcenter, I was intrigued. The pictures on the box promised some neat results, and so I took the plunge.

It took me several hours to transfer my house from my old demoware to the new product, but when I finished – wow. It’s my house! In 3D! With the right textures and colors for everything! I have a brick front, and siding everywhere else. My house is on a slope. The walls have the right colors, the floors are made of the right materials. My kitchen has gray tile and dark granite countertops, just like in real life. The ceiling even has recessed lighting! It’s – wow. That’s all I can say. It’s a real live model of my house.

Which means – I’ll be able to virtually remodel my house before I do the real deal! And I’ll know what it’s gonna look like. And if I hire someone to do the work, I can show them a 3D picture of what I want – and not just a magazine clipping with a “general idea.”

I love my new 3D house. 🙂 I’ve just finished with the basic floor plan and permanent fixtures. Next up: actual furnishings!


confession nerdly

don’t even try to out-nerd me …

I saw Transformers. Twice. And seeing as I just found out it’s playing in IMAX, I’ll be seeing it a third time.

It surprises me, the number of people I work with, that have NOT seen transformers. I don’t understand how my fellow developers and engineers, who grew up on the cartoon, can resist the temptation to see it. Even with the oft-repeated excuse: “my wife/girlfriend doesn’t want to see it.” Well … then go out with the guys! How can you NOT go see Optimus Prime and company brought to life on the big screen?

Transformers is not going to win an oscar. It doesn’t have a bullet-proof plot. But … it’s Bumblebee! And Optimus Prime! And Megatron! And for the guys, it has two amazingly hot girls. (Sorry ladies, we get Shia … while a fine actor, not exactly ‘eye-candy.’)

All I can say is, if you consider yourself at all nerdly – and you loved the cartoon as a kid – then do yourself a favor and see the movie! Just tell the gf you’re going out for ‘poker night.’

confession fashion general complaints

what not to wear

Lately, I’ve been toying with the idea of saving up to get my very own ‘what not to wear’ style consultation. The consultation itself, while not cheap, is reasonably priced. The part where serious savings come into play is in the buying-a-new-wardrobe part. There’s a reason Stacy and Clinton hand over a $5,000 Visa card to people they take under their wing; a new wardrobe doesn’t come cheap.

I don’t think I dress horribly, but I think I could do much better. At the moment, I fall into a strange fashion void, of being a professional in my twenties who doesn’t want to dress like a bimbo, but also doesn’t want to dress like my mom. (No offense, mom …) Not only that, but my size seems to fall more in line with the ‘juniors department’ than the actual ‘grown up ladies department.’ And, well, ‘juniors’ these days apparently don’t care to fully clothe themselves. And ‘juniors’ couldn’t care less about sensible things like ‘wrinkle-free.’

I also have a penchant for comfortable shoes. The exception to that rule is my 5’9″ collection. This collection includes 3 pairs of shoes that enable me to be 5’9″. (For the truly curious, the math on that works out to be 3-inch heels.) It works out well to have some 5’9″ shoes; when I get tired of wearing pants that are a teensy bit too short, I buy myself some ‘tall’ pants. And, well, tall pants require something a little higher than my skechers in order to not get ragged from dragging on the ground.

The real solution to my pants problem is a tailor. I’m of average height. Actually, I think the most perfectly averagest of heights. At 5’6″, I am neither tall nor short. Ladies 5’3″ and under are adorably short. Ladies 5’9″ and over are elegantly tall. So, one would think that ‘average’ length pants would be perfect. In fact, they are generally one inch shorter than I prefer. But ‘tall’ pants are anywhere from 2 to 4 inches too long (depending on that particular manufacturer’s version of ‘tall’). And so, I wear my pants too short or too long.

And then there’s my hair and makeup … I’ve never been one to spend, well, any time on makeup, and if it takes longer than 5 minutes, I’m not doing it to my hair. That used to include blow drying my hair, because I was blessed with a LOT of really thick hair that holds a LOT of water. I managed to find an 1875-watt monster that gets my hair dry enough in a few minutes. It also makes the lights in the house flicker, but, you know, that’s the price of beauty.

I know that “beauty is only skin-deep,” and that “it’s what’s inside that counts,” but there is something about feeling good about the way you look that just makes you feel better about yourself. Like when I go to the salon for a pedicure, I wear my adorable spa outfit. It’s not necessary, but it sure does make the experience all the more enjoyable. And on the rare occasion that I make it to the gym, I make sure to wear a you-wish-you-had-this-body exercise ensemble. It’s not that I want everyone to stare; but I sure do stay in the gym longer when I’m not self-conscious about the way I look.

So, for those of you who know me irl, if you happen to notice me wearing pants that fit and un-wrinkled shirts, then you’ll know I finally took the plunge.


a very special day …

Happy Birthday, Dave! Hope it’s a good one. 🙂

confession life

my cross-indexed brain

My brain is a big fan of cross indexing, but it only seems to do it as the mood suits it. I have yet to be able to master control of the skill, and instead am often struck by memories that I am reminded of when I see or hear the right trigger.

One of the triggers is cars. Yes, that’s right, cars. Which happen to be a reference to people. When I see a Ford Aerostar, I think of my mom. When I see a Prius, I think of my college BFF, and occasionally the wife of an old work colleague. When I see a Ford Probe, I think of a guy I went on one date with even though he still lived with his parents. (He bought me a sandwich, and, over lunch, he said: “I enjoy working with kids.” For real? If you think I can’t see right through where you think that one is gonna get ya, you got another think coming. It was the fulfillment of a third-grade crush, what can I say …)

When I see a Toyota Matrix, I wonder if Michelle ever bought one. And when I see a Mazda RX8, I wonder the same thing about Kevin. Ditto for the FJ Cruiser and John.

White Accords pull double duty with two old work colleagues, as do black Accords. The new-style Honda CRV reminds me of a neighbor, as does the old-style CRV. Additionally, the old-style CRV reminds me of a past life, the first brand new car I ever bought. The old, old-style CRV brings up memories of yet another old work colleague.

Whenever I see an Xterra, I wonder how Angie and her twins are doing – even though I’m pretty sure she traded that car in years ago.

Mazda Tributes, Infiniti FXs, and the sporty little Infinitis all pull up hits for people I used to work with. Honda Odysseys are soon to be tied with Accords, with one neighbor, one past boss, and one past coworker all coming to mind.

This is only the surface of my linkages of people and cars. I have to say, it does make my commute a little more interesting, as the thoughts of everyone I ever knew go flitting across my mind, jumbled in with trying to make my mental shopping list (that NEVER works, I always forget something), contemplating the Heroes story lines, and trying not to rear-end the guy that just cut in front of me. Maybe someday I’ll hone my skill, but for now, I’ll just enjoy the ride.



I just put the very last car payment in the mail. It’s a liberating feeling, to own my car free and clear, while it still has some years left in it. The odometer has yet to hit 40K. She’s still in good shape, except for a dent courtesy of a drunk Diamond Rio fan, and a horribly crumpled front license plate, courtesy of a minor fender bender. Both are things that can be easily fixed, I just don’t know a good body shop.

Unfortunately, having the car paid off doesn’t free up any cash, due to the fact that I am a money nazi. And I’ve got another car payment and two student loans to worry about. Not to mention my ill-timed mortgage. My ill-timed interest only mortgage. My ill-timed, interest only, 100% financed mortgage. My ill-timed, interest only, 100% financed ARM mortgage that resets in another 3 years. I know, I know, what was I thinking? All I can say is, at the time, I didn’t foresee my house suddenly losing 15% of its value. And, well, I didn’t think I’d be in the house for longer than 5 years. Which, I likely will be, seeing as I’m not exactly gaining any equity …

So now comes the hard part – do I put all that extra money to the littlest loans to get them out of the way? Or toward the monster mortgage? Or do I attack the loan with the highest interest rate? Or do I just leave all the loans the way they are, making the required payments, and invest my money elsewhere, assuming I can get a return that’s larger than my highest interest rate? Also assuming that I can keep my grubby hands off that money long enough for it to grow into something besides ‘a fabulous trip to Italy!’

Before I decide what comes next, though, I think I’ll take my car for its first fully-owned spin around town.

nerdly technogeeky

don’t even try to out-nerd me …


After two years, and over 16 days of solid play, I finally made it to level 70. By all accounts and purposes, that is a shamefully long time to level a World of Warcraft character to maximum levelage, but, you know, I have way more hobbies than the average wow-er.

So now, at level 70, I finally have my flying mount. Which means I can fly over mountains, instead of running around them. Or land right in the middle of a field of baddies, without having to fight my way through. Or just fly somewhere, in a straight line, instead of running along a meandering road.

In most games, once you hit the top, that’s the end. You put your name in the hall of fame, and you start again, or you move on to a new game. But that’s not how wow works.

If I save up 5000 gold, I can buy a super-fast flying mount. Which means I can fly even faster! Unfortunately, that flying mount is really ugly – which will provide motivation for me to do the quests that will let me buy other super-fast flying mounts that don’t look like flying lions covered in spiky, neon armor. (Seriously, nobody can ride one of those and feel good about themselves …)

I still have 25 more levels in my leather-working to go. In order to get higher, I have to find the right vendors who sell higher-level patterns, and then I have to gather the mats to make the stuff. And then I’ll be able to sell that stuff on the auction house, to move toward my 5000-gold goal!

And then there’s this thing called ‘raiding.’ I don’t think I’ll ever get into that – it sounds way too intense to me – but my husband has already started getting my rajali ready for raiding. Because, well, he wants to take rajali raiding. And that’s a-ok with me, because the reward for raiding is some seriously nice gear. And, well, all of rajali’s clothes are a horribly mis-matched hodgepodge of things I’ve picked up along the way. He only recently traded up his halter-top chestpiece (Seriously? A chestpiece for a boy character that looks like a halter top? That’s just degrading …) for one that actually looks like armor.

So, there’s plenty more for me still to do. In fact, some would say that the game has just begun.