food general complaints

end of the experiment

Hmm, so my problems aren’t solved – though they do seem to be better.  And I’ve lost and inch or two in my waist – so it would seem I’ve been living a bloated life for the last few years …

So I’ve decided to cut out obvious dairy (milk, cheese, ice cream) but not worry so much about the incidental stuff (like in bread).

And with my food diary, it would seem that potatoes, corn and rice seem out to get me – which leads me to think it’s not really a food tolerance, and perhaps more of a need-to-eat-more-complex carbs issue …

Next experiment: non-dairy south beach (maintenance phase, not that awful induction phase …)

food general complaints

hmmm, what if it’s not the dairy?

So two days into my no-dairy experiment, and, well, nothing much seems to have changed.  I’ll spare you all the details of my exact digestion woes, but my after-eating state of being seems much the same.

So it looks like I may have to move on to wheat.  :'(  Not for another week though, I need some time to get used to the idea …

On the plus side, I did discover rice milk!  One of my neighbors who had her son on a lactose and gluten free diet for awhile tipped me off to it.  Apparently, if you suddenly go crazy with the soy, you can really mess up your hormones.

When it comes to milk alternatives on cereal, I vote for vanilla rice milk over vanilla soy.  It’s obviously not the real deal (i.e., the cat won’t touch it), but, at least for me, there’s no bitter after taste.  And it’s way less sweet than lactose-free milk, so I can eat sugar cereals with it! 

Cheddar-flavored rice “cheese” slices – fuhgeddabout it.  Might be ok for cooking, in small doses.  Not good on sandwiches.  Or plain.  In retrospect, I should have gone with American-flavored – at least American cheese is barely cheese to begin with …

Vegan parmesan-flavored … bits – ok on pasta with marinara sauce.  It’s not the real thing, but with just a dusting, it adds that parmesany essence.  More than that, and it becomes obvious that you’ve just covered your food in parmesan-flavored sawdust.  Mmmmm, sawdust.

And of course, fresh fruits and veggies!  In addition to strawberries, this week I splurged on cherries and sugar snap peas.  And some more grapes.  For the freezer.

Dairy-free, chocolate soy “ice cream” bars – surprisingly good!  Though not wheat-free, so that means I’ll have to eat them all this week.  (Such a sacrifice, I know.)  They’ve got the texture of ice cream down, and the chocolate ice-cream flavor seems to mask the non-milk aspects of things better than some of the vanilla soy “ice creams” I’ve tried.

So, even if I never go dairy-free, I’ve discovered some new foods!  The rice milk and soy ice cream might just stick around.


vegans can eat traces of milk?

So in my quest for dairy-free chocolate, I checked out the vegan chocolate section of my local wegmans.  It was almost a no-go, only one of my 7 options was really dairy-free.  All of the rest ‘might’ have contained traces of milk.

I’m no vegan, so I don’t really know the rules, but I thought they had some rule against no-animal-product eating.  And, well, traces of milk certainly sounds like an animal by-product to me.  Also, from what I understand, it’s a  whole philosophy of life, not just a way of eating.  So it would seem to me that a vegan would only want to buy products from companies who also espoused that way of life – or at the very least, took it seriously enough to devote a wing of their factory to vegan-only.

But, what do I know, I’m not a vegan.  It sure would make my 10-day dairy free challenge go a lot easier if I could trust that vegan=no dairy.

food general complaints

sometimes i feel bad after i eat

Since high school, I’ve noticed that sometimes after I eat, I feel … unsettled in my stomach.  Occasionally it results in the sudden purging of my stomach contents, but usually, if I just take it easy for an hour or so, I’m fine.

I’ve never really thought much about it, just been annoyed by it when it hits when I’m out running around and don’t have the pleasure of just waiting it out. 

I have long suspected that I have some kind of food sensitivity/intolerance/allergy, but I’ve   never wanted to do anything about it because the most common triggers (according to the internets) are milk and wheat.  And I loooooove me some chocolate chip cookies and milk.  And ice cream.  And breakfast cereal.  And pizza.  And cheese in everything.  And my daily chocolate.  My dear, dear, daily chocolate.

It’s seems that the last few years, things have really ramped up, so I’ve decided to finally do something about it.

So, this week, it’s goodbye to dairy.  :'(  And do you know that there is dairy in EVERYTHING??  And if I give up wheat, too, that means I can’t eat anything except for lettuce and strawberries.  Good thing I like strawberries.

food life work

back to sittin’ and eatin’

During my two weeks off, I was fairly active. And I didn’t eat as much as I normally do. Which meant my li’l britney belly started to disappear and my pants don’t fit no more …

It’s not that I was trying to eat less – I’m a big proponent of eating whenever I’m hungry. It’s just that I wasn’t hungry! I did a little googling, and I actually found that exercise is a natural appetite suppressant. According to ‘them’. On the ‘internets’.

But now, I’m back to work, and it’s back to constant eating: breakfast at 6 am, second breakfast at 9, lunch at 11, afternoon snack at 2, post-work snack at 5, dinner at 6, after-dinner snack at 8. My belly will be back in no time!

food home improvements

party time: day 16

Up early to go see the new batman flick!  The theater was surprisingly full at 9:30 in the morning.  And they do make popcorn and pizza at that hour.  Most people had the good sense to leave their under-12-ers home, but there were a few young ones in the crowd.  A man in front of us brought his 8 and 10 year old boys – and I have a feeling his wife may be less than pleased when she’s dealing with nightmares for the rest of the week.

But, back to the movie:  it is nothing short of awesome.  And a half.  While Iron Man is my favorite movie of the summer, The Dark Knight is probably the best movie I have seen this summer.  And I have seen A LOT of movies. 

Heath Ledger is brilliantly demented.  The story is full of unexpectedly sick turns, that by movie’s end, had me starting to descend into the crazy, anarchic world that the Joker lived in.  And it’s not a nice place.  There were a few cringe-inducing moments that had me not wanting to look at the screen, but I have a weak stomach when it comes that sort of thing.

So go see it!  But leave the kids at home.

Did some more painting – surprise, surprise.  I think I’ll be able to finish up next weekend …

I am currently enjoying a bowl of apple slices, strawberries and frozen grapes.  And a bowl of cool whip.  And a bowl of caramel.  I love fruit, it’s the perfect thing for dipping in sugar!

food home improvements life

party time: day 15

Laid in bed till after 9 because my feet said so.  Any time I thought about getting up, my feet convinced me otherwise.  Turns out, squatting for 6 hours is tuff on the balls of your feet.  Most especially when you do it barefoot …

Finally got up, put on clean, pretty clothes and headed to AC Moore for some little paint brushes.  For painting in tiny little spaces.  That my fireplace is full of.

Made a 10:45 am stop at McDonalds to pick up a burger, fries and fruit parfait to get my day started off right.

Painted a banister, trim, and fireplace.  Did not finish the trim.

The mail man brought me my new internets!  Oh, happy day.

The bathroom tile man stopped by to see what he was dealing with.  What he is dealing with is a room with no subflooring.  Or shower drain.  Oy.  I gave him a key so he could get started on Monday. 

Papa Johns brought dinner, and I called it an early night.  Didn’t finish the trim or any doors, but 8 hours of painting is plenty.

food general complaints life

Party time: day 12 part 2

Broke the internets (or at least the antenna on my router). So the blogs are being written in old-fashioned word, until the mail man brings me my new internets.

Overall, the day was bad, and the husband came home after a bad day at work. And so we did what any couple does after a double-bad day: we went to Maggie Moos for a shake and a little piece of heaven.  

I tried the dark chocolate, fudge, strawberry and nut concoction – and it is the best thing ever. Total chocolate buzz on the first bite. I am in love with Maggie Moos dark chocolate. Even if I can only eat 6 bites before my intestines pitch a fit. It is sooooooooo worth it. Especially after a bad day.

food home improvements life

party time: day 11

Time to get to work!  Woke up “early” (a hair before 7) to beat the garbage man.  Gathered up all the trash, scooped the kitty poo, and ran out to the street in my jammies with plenty of time to spare.

Cleaned out the pink room (a 9×9 child’s bedroom that is painted pink, with a pink wall paper border, and pink mini-blinds), which mostly just meant actually filing all the stacks of paper that has collected over the last 6 months.  Discovered a reimbursement check dated January 17 that is no good after 180 days – today is day 179.  Who said bein’ unemployed doesn’t bring in any money? 

Moved the closet that I had previously moved to the basement on account of our mold issues up to the newly organized pink room.

After making about 30 trips up and down 2 flights of stairs, I was really cursing my decision to take all our clothes to the basement. 

Once the clothes were upstairs (the pink room looks better than it has in months, the cleaning ladies are in for quite the shock …) it was time to move everything out of the basement.

Oi.  Books are heavy.  As are bookcases.  And OMG, I totally discovered something new about the husband:  he has a TMNT sewer playground.  Like that he used to play with when he was 10.  Now, I’m not one to talk; I, myself, have an embarrassingly large lego collection.  I just didn’t know the husband had anything besides collectors-items-still-in-the-packaging toys.  That we are soooo gonna retire on.

Got a phone call from the bathroom man just so he could tell me that he didn’t have a start date for me yet.  Oh, and could I drop by a check for the over-budgeted tile amount?  Because once he orders the tile, THEN he can get me a start date.  Maybe.  If he feels like it.

Showered, paid the bathroom man, did some shopping at Lowes for pre-painting supplies (caulk and pink patching goop), and found some fabulous light fixtures!  So I bought 6.  And wished my dad was still here to show me how to install such things without killing myself.

Stopped off at the grocery store and bought all kinds of wonderful yumminess.  And found out that when you don’t stop off at the grocery store after work in a mad rush to get home in time to start dinner, the grocery store is quite a lovely place to leisurely meander. 

Got home just before the husband, and started dinner.  And did some dishes.

Washed the basement walls and doors (I know it’s not necessary, but the previous owners liked to fling lumpy goop all over the walls – and I don’t dust or de-cobweb …).  Helped the husband with some wow quests, then patched up some holes.  There’s still plenty more to patch up tomorrow.

food life

party time: day 7

Slept in, and got up to find the dad watching a Burn Notice marathon.  Surfed the interwebz, balanced the checkbook, and played some freecell, before taking the dad out to buy a new camera bag and get lunch at the Tortilla Factory.

Returned home for some more Burn Notice, then checked the dad in to his flight online.  Used 15,000 miles to upgrade to first class – for a 6 hour, cross-country non-stop flight, not a bad deal.  Dropped the dad off at the airport for his first-class experience.

Ordered pizza for dinner, then knitted and caught up on my tivo list while the husband caught up on his wow.  Did some googling about painting ceilings (I wouldn’t bother, except the basement ceiling has cracks that need to be patched, as well as sporadic black marks).  Also, did a load of laundry so the husband can maintain his habit of wearing clothing to work and baked some more M&M cookies.

I sure could get used to this vacation thing.