party time: day 11 –

party time: day 11

| Posted in food, home improvements, life

Time to get to work!  Woke up “early” (a hair before 7) to beat the garbage man.  Gathered up all the trash, scooped the kitty poo, and ran out to the street in my jammies with plenty of time to spare.

Cleaned out the pink room (a 9×9 child’s bedroom that is painted pink, with a pink wall paper border, and pink mini-blinds), which mostly just meant actually filing all the stacks of paper that has collected over the last 6 months.  Discovered a reimbursement check dated January 17 that is no good after 180 days – today is day 179.  Who said bein’ unemployed doesn’t bring in any money? 

Moved the closet that I had previously moved to the basement on account of our mold issues up to the newly organized pink room.

After making about 30 trips up and down 2 flights of stairs, I was really cursing my decision to take all our clothes to the basement. 

Once the clothes were upstairs (the pink room looks better than it has in months, the cleaning ladies are in for quite the shock …) it was time to move everything out of the basement.

Oi.  Books are heavy.  As are bookcases.  And OMG, I totally discovered something new about the husband:  he has a TMNT sewer playground.  Like that he used to play with when he was 10.  Now, I’m not one to talk; I, myself, have an embarrassingly large lego collection.  I just didn’t know the husband had anything besides collectors-items-still-in-the-packaging toys.  That we are soooo gonna retire on.

Got a phone call from the bathroom man just so he could tell me that he didn’t have a start date for me yet.  Oh, and could I drop by a check for the over-budgeted tile amount?  Because once he orders the tile, THEN he can get me a start date.  Maybe.  If he feels like it.

Showered, paid the bathroom man, did some shopping at Lowes for pre-painting supplies (caulk and pink patching goop), and found some fabulous light fixtures!  So I bought 6.  And wished my dad was still here to show me how to install such things without killing myself.

Stopped off at the grocery store and bought all kinds of wonderful yumminess.  And found out that when you don’t stop off at the grocery store after work in a mad rush to get home in time to start dinner, the grocery store is quite a lovely place to leisurely meander. 

Got home just before the husband, and started dinner.  And did some dishes.

Washed the basement walls and doors (I know it’s not necessary, but the previous owners liked to fling lumpy goop all over the walls – and I don’t dust or de-cobweb …).  Helped the husband with some wow quests, then patched up some holes.  There’s still plenty more to patch up tomorrow. ©2024. All Rights Reserved.
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