empty promises from the bathroom man – akaemi.com

empty promises from the bathroom man

| Posted in general complaints

The husband and I signed a contract for a new bathroom in June.  Work started in July.  It is now August.

I realize it takes time to get stuff done, but the work crews only spend about 12 hours a week at my house.  And lately when I call the bathroom man (who has never actually been in my house …) to ask when things will be done, he always reassures me that everything will be wrapped up ‘tomorrow’.

And every time I get such a promise, I come home to find little or no progress on the bathroom.

At the beginning of the work, he told me they’d be in the house for 2 weeks, then they’d special order the glass which would take 2 weeks, and then it could be installed and everything would be done in a month.  And so I was expecting a complete bathroom right about, oh, last week.

Instead, I have a dusty half-bath, still waiting on touch-up patching and painting and some grouting in the shower.  While I am glad I can at least use the bathroom for part of its intended purpose, I really would like to enjoy my gloriously large shower.  Which is still at least 2 weeks away seeing as they only just ordered the glass last week.

I just wish my bathroom man would be honest with me; filling me with false hope just turns me into li’l miss cranky-I-want-my-shower-pants.  And nobody likes her.  Especially my facebook buddies who are sick of seeing my status complain about my bathroom man …

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