two slices –

two slices

| Posted in food

I finally worked up the courage yesterday to order two slices of swiss cheese at the deli counter.  We don’t eat a lot of swiss cheese, and when we do, it’s only in small amounts.  Like two slices.

Usually, I just buy the smallest package I can find, and throw it out once it’s been in the fridge awhile.  (But with the intention of finding something else to eat it in.  Usually.)

So, when I decided I wanted chicken cordon bleu this week, I knew I’d need some swiss.  But, you know, only two slices.  On account of I’m only cooking for myself and the husband.

And so I took the plunge, and after the slight embarrassment of ordering a quarter pound of ham, I asked for 2 slices of swiss cheese.  The lady at the counter did just as I asked, and 52 cents later, I was the proud owner of precisely the amount of cheese I needed.

3 thoughts on “two slices”

  1. halfling says:

    can you teach your mom how to buy two slices and cook for three not eight?

  2. akaemi says:

    lol, you just take the recipes you know and cut them in half … Maybe you should go grocery shopping with her and put half of everything she puts in the cart back on the shelf?

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