my kitty loves me when I’m sick
And no, it’s not because he can sense my misery. It’s not because he wants to comfort me.
It is because I am warm and stationary.
I normally suffer from the compulsion to keep moving – there’s always dishes and laundry to be done, dinner to be made, blogs to write, wow to play, animals to knit, vacations to plan, papers to file. While I may spend several hours every evening sitting, I don’t do it all in one block of time. The cats know this, so they don’t usually try to sit in my lap.
But tonight, I have been parked on the couch all evening. I enjoyed a nice nap. I balanced the checkbook. The husband made dinner (frozen pizza! someday I will teach him the pesky vegetable-dinner rule) and brought it to me. I watched the last half of O Brother, Where Art Thou. I played solitaire. I watched House. I surfed the internet.
All without leaving my couch! And so now forge is curled up next to me, purring. Hmm, I get the feeling he’d like me to be sick more often …
I think you should teach all of us the pesky vegetable-dinner rule – I’ve never heard of it.
Haha, you know the vegetable-dinner rule. Like that you should eat a vegetable at dinner. Tomato sauce on a frozen pizza doesn’t really count …
I think it’s only our family who know it’s a rule. But at most dinner’s if a vegetable isn’t already in what we’re eating we heat up corn or greenbeans, or any number of ‘healthy’ vegetables.