Sheet Caking –

Sheet Caking

| Posted in favorite things, food, texas

I sheet caked last weekend, but it sounds like another sheet caking weekend is in the cards!

The Texas sheet cake is my go-to cake, as I always seem to have the ingredients for it on hand. I have a half-size jelly roll pan that I acquired at some point in college. (Probably my mom gave it to me? Because only sad single people need half-size jelly roll pans? 😛 Seriously, though, its also the perfect size for couples who, uh, something something no grand babies.)

Anyway, all that to say that I usually cut this recipe in half, because half is the perfect amount for 1 or 2 people. And this recipe lends itself nicely to that.

There’s no flouring involved! Just a little spray buttering!

And then … you boil the ingredients on the stove, so that’s a little weird.

But the cake is baked in 22 minutes! 5 minutes before the cake comes out, start the frosting. Which you also boil on the stove, but you’re a pro at that now.

As soon as the cake comes out, pour the frosting on it.

Wait 5 minutes. And then enjoy. 🙂

Happy sheet caking, everyone!

2 thoughts on “Sheet Caking”

  1. Lisa says:

    I’ve heard of sheer cake before. Sounds complicated. Like way harder than making a regular cake.

  2. akaemi says:

    If by ‘regular cake’, you mean cake from a box, then yes. If you mean cake from scratch, it’s an easy cake from scratch. No sifting flour, or flouring a cake pan. 🙂

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