The husband and I are preparing for a long-overdue trip to Oklahoma to visit his father. And not only is it Oklahoma, it appears to be in the middle-of-nowhere, OK.
The Sprint coverage map says that we won’t get any coverage at all – not even roaming. So that rules out being able to check my email via phone …
Transformers comes out this weekend, so the husband thought we might treat his family to the show. Fandango claims there are no theaters around; couldn’t find anything within 40 miles. Luckily, a google maps search came up with a theater in the next town over, just 10 miles away – one that isn’t hooked up to the likes of fandango or Looks like we’ll actually have to drive to the theater to buy our tickets. I have to admit, though, I do like the sound of $5.50 for an adult ticket.
When booking our stay through Travelocity, we had two options. A little googling led me to a couple of b&bs – and abundant camping!
It will be quite a shock to our systems, but it’ll be nice to unplug for awhile. Perhaps without our faces looking down at our email on our phones, we’ll be able to watch the skies for visitors from another world.