March 2009 –

Month: March 2009

retail therapy


Sitting at work this morning, I stared at the hibernate crap that’s been driving me nuts for the last week and a half, and realized that I didn’t want to be there.  At all.

So I sent out an email (this place sucks, I’m leaving, kthxbai) to let my coworkers know I was bailing for the day, got in my car, and drove to the outlet mall.

Did you know that there is nobody at the outlet mall on a Tuesday morning at 10 am during a recession?  It was great, I had the place to myself for the first hour, and it never really got crowded.

Four and a half hours, $319, 3 pairs of jeans, 8 shirts, 2 sweaters, 6 scrunchies, a belt, a set of pajamas and a vending machine Twix later, I was all set.  And my arms were killing me.  Carrying around shopping bags is a killer on the elbows.

Now it’s time to clear some space in the closet!  I think the husband has some things that need to go …

my favorite things


sooo comfy Late last year, b3 asked for my address.  Assuming he had decided he was an adult and was sending out Christmas cards for the first time, I gave him the address and didn’t think anything more of it.

I was pleasantly surprised a few weeks later to find a package in the mail.  When I opened it, I found a super-comfy long-sleeved t-shirt, courtesy of b3.  I was even more pleasantly surprised to find that he had managed to pick the right size for maximum comfy-ness!

With winter currently transitioning to spring, I’ll have to put it away soon.  But that just means I’ll be excited all over again when falls rolls around and I unpack all my cold-weather clothes.  🙂

tax evasion


The man who sold us our house hasn’t paid his taxes in 3 years; the IRS and Social Security peeps keep sending us his mail. And we keep on sendin’ it back.

And he called himself a financial planner …



I keep getting all these great Spring deals in my email inbox: 6 days in Paris, flight AND hotel: $499. Flight to London: $200. Rome: $300.

I wish the husband had more vacation time. Oh, and a desire to travel …

On the up side, we are taking a day trip to Gettysburg in a few weeks. I’ll take my adventure where I can get it. 🙂 ©2024. All Rights Reserved.
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