January 2009 – akaemi.com

Month: January 2009

eggplant parmigiana


My first exposure to eggplant was in a dish a vegetarian roommate prepared.  The eggplant was neither tasty nor not tasty; it was just sort of there.  I ate it, but decided that eggplant probably wasn’t my thing.

A few years later at a work lunch, one of my coworkers ordered eggplant parmigiana.  When the food came and he saw me eyeing his food (it didn’t look very vegetarian, he appeared to have a breaded chicken breast sitting on his plate!), he offered me a taste.  Not wanting to offend, but not looking forward to it, I accepted his offer.  And I was surprised at how good it actually was!  I guess the secret to preparing eggplant is breading it, deep-frying it, then smothering it in tomato sauce.

So thanks, Morley.  I never knew what I was missing out on.  🙂

nap soundtrack

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So I’m working from home today on account of I have some sniffles, and I’ve been taking quick naps (off the clock, don’t worry.  🙂

During one 15 minute snooze, I was surprised to discover it was accompanied by some Richard Marx.  And then later, a little Gavin DeGraw.

Wonder if it’s all the drugs I’m on …



I finally broke out the camera to take pics of my knitting.  Enjoy!

Jayne models    jayne hats    pirate socks closeup    pirate socks

serenity stranded


The husband is turning 30 next month, which means he gets to have the best. party. ever.  And I’m in charge!  <gulp>

He has requested a firefly-themed murder mystery, and so that means I have my work cut out for me.  <double gulp>

In preparation for the event, I knitted a couple of Jayne hats.  One for the birthday boy, and one for a party prize.  They really are quite cunning, someone is going to leave the party in style!

So now that THAT’S out of the way, time to get down to the story-writing.  And character assignment.  And invitations.  And menu-planning.  (Moldy-protein-chocolate-cake, anyone?)

I have decided on the title of this year’s story, and that’s ‘Serenity Stranded.’  As can be guessed from the title, Serenity is stuck … somewhere (still working on that part) … and it is up to the party-goers to figure out who’s the culprit!  I just couldn’t bear offing someone in the firefly ‘verse, (even though Joss doesn’t mind it) so this year’s murder mystery will be short on murder.  But hopefully not mystery!

Now to get busy writing …

still alive!

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No less than TWO of my family members were starting to worry about me since I haven’t posted in awhile.  So yeah, here I am, still alive!

So, just to recap, in my time away from blogging, I:

got summoned for Jury Duty

had Christmas in Texas

decided to write another murder mystery

knitted two Jayne hats

knitted a pirate sock and a half

decided to host a candle party

bought some new sweaters in 75% off January

got pretty and went to the husband’s company party

bought travel books for Italy!

and, talked to a financial planner.

Except for my time in Texas, I have been freeeeezing the entire time.  The butt-cold does NOT agree with me.

And I am exhausted.  I know I just had a holiday with New Years and all, but I am so ready for this upcoming 3-day weekend.  So very ready.

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