wait – you’re joking, right?
The other day, the husband and I noticed that our new next-door neighbors had put rock in their flowerbed. It’s a lovely rock, nice marble chips – but it is, nonetheless, banned. By our over-protective HOA.
I finally caught one of the neighbors outside, and let him know the error of his ways. He looked at me with a blank look when I told him rocks in landscaping were against HOA rules. As I explained to him my HOA struggles, he suddenly registered what I was saying, and he stopped me with a flabbergasted, ‘Wait – you’re joking, right?’
I assured him that I was indeed being truthful, and I just wanted to warn them that the HOA may, at some future date, send them a nasty letter.
I still don’t think he believed me. Here’s hoping he’s spared the fate of dealing with the HOA.
Obviously the only sensible thing to do is write a long, irate, anonymous letter to the HOA about how this will adversely affect your property values.