October 2008 – akaemi.com

Month: October 2008

I am a fan of Chipotle, but their food portions are, well, ginormous.  I can’t eat but half a burrito or a taco and a half.  So, alas, it is a waste of food for li’l ol’ me.

Enter Moe’s!  Besides all the funny names (uh, can I get a <whisper> moo moo, mr. cow? </whisper>), they have a kids menu!  So I can get ONE taco with a side of chips or a mini-burrito with a side of chips.  (Ok, I just checked the nutritional value on the burrito – it rings in at 400 calories, so it’s not that little.)   

My dinner – with chips, cookie and a drink – (don’t tell my dentist, but that cherry coke looked too good to pass up) still came to … yikes, 1000 calories, so it’s not a puny kids meal.  Contrast that with a Chipotle burrito that rings in at 1000 calories all by itself.  

The one downside is the tiny little child-safe cup that comes with the meal.  It is a little embarrassing, but that’s just the price I have to pay in order to not throw away half my dinner. 

If you’ll excuse me, I have to go finish my cookie.

fever, shmever

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I woke up not feeling great this morning, so I dug out the thermometer to check my temperature.

96.3 degrees.

I have an anti-fever.  I did a quick check on the internetz, and 96 degrees is a valid, normal, healthy human temperature.  Especially for a first-thing-in-the-morning temp.

Ok, no fever.  I’m still calling in sick.

And no, it’s not because he can sense my misery.  It’s not because he wants to comfort me.

It is because I am warm and stationary.

I normally suffer from the compulsion to keep moving – there’s always dishes and laundry to be done, dinner to be made, blogs to write, wow to play, animals to knit, vacations to plan, papers to file.  While I may spend several hours every evening sitting, I don’t do it all in one block of time.  The cats know this, so they don’t usually try to sit in my lap.

But tonight, I have been parked on the couch all evening.  I enjoyed a nice nap.  I balanced the checkbook.  The husband made dinner (frozen pizza!  someday I will teach him the pesky vegetable-dinner rule) and brought it to me.  I watched the last half of O Brother, Where Art Thou.  I played solitaire.  I watched House.  I surfed the internet.

All without leaving my couch!  And so now forge is curled up next to me, purring.  Hmm, I get the feeling he’d like me to be sick more often …

entirely too bony


On the flight to L.A., I read a book.  And in the process, I managed to bruise my left jutty-out pelvic bone with my left elbow.  For whatever reason, it seemed like a good idea to rest my bony elbow on my bony self to prop up my book.  (That wasn’t even that good, btw.  The third Odd Thomas book is not one of Mr. Koontz finer works.)

5 hours later, I had a most tender hip.

Excuse me, I think I need to go eat a sandwich …


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Woohoo!  Time for vacation #3 of the year.  🙂 

This trip takes us to the left coast and blizzcon.  I know, I know, we went to blizzcon last year, but the husband really wanted to see the diablo III unveiling.  And well, I’m not exactly complaining.  🙂

Yikes, I just consulted weather.com, and anaheim is 93 degrees right now.  The weekend forecast calls for 50 to 80 degree weather – let’s hope that holds true.

Vacations one and two of the year didn’t involve planes, so this’ll be our first flight with checked bag fees.  For the first bag!  Seriously unfair.  Needless to say, I’ve been consulting the tsa rules, and I think we’re now compliant with the 3-1-1.  So we – and every other person on the plane – can take our bags carry-on and fight over the limited overhead space.  I’m not much of a fighter, but the husband can be imposing when he wants to be, so I think we’ll be ok. 

I’ll get pics up of this year’s convention, and the husband will likely blog about all the game-ey stuff.  Me, I’m looking forward to my polar bear mount (my Venym is currently riding a chicken – a CHICKEN!!!  They put FIRE PONIES in the game, and then they force some characters to ride chickens).  Ooh, and the candy booth, if it’s back.  I sure could use a pound of fudge …

Conversation I never thought I’d have with two 9-year-old boys:

me: <breaks up horseplay between two of my students, scratching one with my ring in the process>

li’l n: Oh, wow! Is that a diamond?

me: Yes, it’s a diamond.

me in my head: Because I’m a MARRIED GROWN UP LADY and we wear such things on our hands.

li’l g: Oh, is that white gold?

me: No, it’s platinum.

li’l g: Oh wow, that’s better than white gold. <5 minute discourse on white gold, the nickel it contains, why wouldn’t you want your gold to just look like gold>

li’l n: <inspects my ring closely> Oh, it’s just like my mom’s.

me in my head: Exactly. Because I am old enough to be your mom.

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