As I made my way from the parking lot to my building the other morning, I noticed one of my colleagues running up the steps.
Maybe it’s contagious …
As I made my way from the parking lot to my building the other morning, I noticed one of my colleagues running up the steps.
Maybe it’s contagious …
I came home from work this evening to behold a most wondrous sight:
No paper taped to the living room floor. No plastic up the stairs! Or the hall or master bedroom! As I rounded the corner into the bathroom, I held my breath and hoped against all hope that I would see something that would make me a very happy woman.
And there it was!! My brand new shower finally has a glassed-in enclosure. As I looked inside the shower and saw a razor-blade (the flat kind, like what you’d use to get stuff off of glass), a drill-bit and a step stool, I almost opened the door to clear it all out so I could enjoy my first shower. But then I noticed the note on the door: do not open until 9/10.
So, it looks like it’ll be another 2 days before I can fully test out my bathroom. I suppose it’s just as well; I do need to get some new towels. The old ones just won’t do.
I was hoping I’d outgrow my oxy 10 before I started plucking the grays, but, alas, it’s not to be. How can my head be so conflicted? How can it still be producing plenty of t-zone shine when it’s already starting to give up on that pesky hair color?
Ah, well, I guess that’s what Ms. Clairol is for.
In anticipation of my bathroom being finished, I looked online for the perfect floor mirror, and found it at for a reasonable price. After some negotiation with the husband (‘well, the OTHER one I like is $700 …’), I purchased it and then went about my other internet business.
Imagine my surprise when I logged into facebook to update my status to something else obnoxious about why my bathroom isn’t done, and found that my recent purchase was RIGHT THERE. In facebook. On the page where it tells you about all the things your friends are up to. And it wanted to know if I wanted to inform all my friends about my purchase. Oh, and did I want to automatically tell them all about all my purchases?
Um, no thanks.
Besides the fact that my facebook ‘friends’ don’t really care what I buy, it’s really kind of obnoxious. Plus, I don’t want them all to know what terrible taste I have. Or how cheap I am. I reserve that honor for my real friends; that’s right, for the 6 people who read my blog. ©2024. All Rights Reserved.
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