party time: day 6 –

party time: day 6

| Posted in life, travel

Got up early to stand in line for US Capitol tour tickets.  We snagged the 10:10 tour and found a bench on the hill to wait out our time.

Took the tour along with about a gazillion other people and saw some great art and architecture, as well as a fun acoustical feat (stand in one part of the old House room and hear someone speaking in another part).

Wandered over to the Smithsonian of the American Indian and got some lunch – fry bread and barley salad for me, and fry bread with buffalo chili for the dad – and then looked at the exhibits.  The first two floors are dedicated to a cafe and gift shops, but don’t let that fool you – there are more exhibits than my poor, tired feet could handle on the third and fourth floors.

We called it an early day, and headed home.  Stopped at the grocery store to pick up M&Ms, and made the cookies the husband has been talking about all week.

After the husband got home from work, we all went to see Wall-e and eat hot dogs and popcorn at the theater.  Cute movie, but not sure if it’s really the best movie of the year.

Another full day of vacation – and my feet are begging for a nice empty day of vacation … ©2024. All Rights Reserved.
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