I spent 5 times as much money on computers & electronics last year than I did on personal care.
The husband and I had our quarterly* money conference last week, so I printed out our spending habits, using Quicken’s handy report-maker.
To be fair, the husband and I COMBINED spent 5 times as much money on computers & electronics than on personal care. If you pull us apart, though, I think I still come in 4 to 1.
So the laptop, camera, tv, software and various computer bits heavily outweigh my visits to the salon, shampoo purchases (I recently upgraded from Suave to that Australian stuff!), and make-up purchases (in the last 12 months: 1 bottle of generic-red nail polish).
I think you know what that means: time for me to pick up the pace on my lady spending!
*Our goal is ‘quarterly.’ We’ve been married 4 years …. and have had 2 or 3 ….
2 replies on “don’t even try to out-nerd me …”
Better start off by getting a Woomba.
LOL – tech AND personal care in one … think I might just have to pass on this one, though …