The Myers-Brigg personality test has long intrigued me, and I recently did some more reading about my personality type. It definitely gives insights into why I act the way I act, but it also gives insights into how other people see me. And, well, I really do seem like quite the nut.
To an outside observer, I’m a pretty low energy person. Until I embark on a project – then I am capable of a frenzy of activity that looks like complete madness. And I will work seemingly tirelessly on said project, to the great consternation, of say, my husband, who likes to do things like have dinner together. He often walks away frustrated, when he can’t get me to abandon my work for just 30 minutes …
I also have issues with authority (just ask my parents …) and hate having a set schedule. Plus, with my extreme ‘I’, I internalize all my decision-making. Which means that when I make decisions, I don’t feel the need to consult others. Which means that no one has any prior hints as to what I might decide. Which just makes me seem all the more unpredictable and fickle.
I made my brothers take the test as well, and found that b3 and I get along with all the siblings. b1 and b2, however, don’t really get each other. At all. Which is ironic, as they have been roommates for the last 2 years. And which totally explains why when I ask b1 about b2, he always seems perplexed – and vice versa.
So … take the test! And enjoy reading about yourself. 🙂
so now that i restested as an intj who am i compatible with? (retested from the 70’s)