April 2007 – akaemi.com

Month: April 2007

guess what!

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I’m getting a new kitchen! At least, I’m getting as much of a new kitchen as my tax return will buy. At this very moment, iPhoto on my mac mini is uploading the pics I took of my ‘before’ kitchen up to my gallery – and you will get to see the very … interesting … decorating choices that were made by the previous owners. Actually, you won’t get to see ALL the choices. The matching curtains and canisters have long since met their maker.

Day one of the renovation is over, and the wallpaper is GONE!! The linoleum with the little bitty flowers is hidden forever under a layer of those concrete-tile-base things. (If I woulda known they were just putting everything OVER the linoleum, I totally woulda mopped. There’s a gross sticky coke spill that has now been immortalized …)

The bad thing about the renovations, is that we have to lock the kitties up. And they hate being locked up. Especially when there are evil creatures banging about in the kitchen. We both stayed home today and discovered that Havok seems to have discovered how to remove slats from the basement utility room door – so we have decided to lock the kitties up tomorrow in the master suite, upstairs. I’m not entirely thrilled about having a litter box in our master bathroom, but I am even less thrilled about the idea of our kitties running out the open front door to escape from the evil kitchen-mongers. So there will be a litter box in my master bathroom tomorrow … even though I am sure Forge will prefer the bathroom sink. (He’s a sensitive pooper. sigh.)

But the GREAT thing about the renovations, is that I will soon have a new kitchen! At the end of this week, I will have beautiful tile floors and wonderfully clean, freshly painted walls. And did I mention crown molding? And NO hideous frou-frou ceiling fan ceiling dilly bob. And then will come the new appliances. And – if there is money left over – we will get new countertops. And THEN I am going to take up cooking and entertaining in my new kitchen. Ok, so maybe not that last thing …

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