December 2006 –

Month: December 2006

Ok, so if you’re here, it’s because I won’t stop ranting and raving about and telling everyone to come check out my new site. I’ve moved over all my previous blog entries from blogger, so you won’t have to miss any of your old favorites. 🙂

For those of you who know that I am a web developer by trade, please don’t judge too harshly. When I get home from work, I am NOT one of those people who spends their free time messing with things, and tweaking stuff, all for the benefit of the 9-to-5. And so is not going to have any of the cool web 2.0 gadgets that you see on fancy websites. I plan to make use of‘s one-click installers – like this blog and my picture gallery – and not a whole lot more. 🙂 You should thank me for keeping things simple. Really. I’m not all that good at what I do …

Please feel free to register for your own blog or album account. 🙂 If things get too out of hand (i.e., your blog becomes more popular than mine, etc.) then I’ll just ban you. Or something. ©2024. All Rights Reserved.
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